Big 4 or Bust?

Big 4 or Bust: absolutely True or completely False 😱 🎈

In the world of accounting, it doesn’t get any better than the Big 4. Or does it?

Thanks to the education system and the Kool Aid that they serve, the Big 4 is idolized by students. 

Many students think they are “lesser than” if they don't get into Big 4. You’ll even hear those that don't make the cut ask if their career is doomed.

😵 That’s how the Big 4 or Bust mentality originated. Talk about brainwashing.

Let's play a game of Yes, Yes, No.


1️⃣ Is Big 4 experience generally better for your career than smaller firms?
✅ Yes

2️⃣ Can you have an amazing accounting career without Big 4?
✅ Yes

3️⃣ So is it true that it's Big 4 or bust?
❌ No! Absolutely false!


Sure, for some accountants Big 4 is going to be the pinnacle of achievement.

But for others, they could care less about the prestige and prefer the vibe of a smaller firm.


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