Don’t be a Bubble Boy Accountant

Don’t be a Bubble Boy Accountant 😲 😗 💭

📰 That’s according to an article from earlier this week by CPA Practice Advisor. In the article the author is referring to the importance of defining your own career path.

✋ If you don’t define it, someone else will. Partner track may or may not be the right career path for you, but that’s up to you.

David goes on to say:

“If you don’t pick up the pen and start writing the story you want for your career, then you’re leaving fate in the hands of others. Just as bad, you may find yourself unhappy, burnt out, and giving up on the accounting profession entirely – like the 300k accountants who quit their jobs between 2019 and 2021.”

🌅 He goes on to discuss the importance of expanding your horizons, saying:

“It’s easy to get stuck in a bubble and get comfortable there. But when you get out and talk and network with other accountants, you learn about new opportunities or ideas that you may have never heard of otherwise.”

💎 It’s a great point. Expand your horizons and create the career that you want.

Don’t be a bubble boy accountant. Take a read through the article, it’s a good one! Link in Comments.

🔥 If you want to find the fun and fulfilling side of accounting, you can find the roadmap in the No Flux Given playbook


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