KPMG Slashes Hours

KPMG Slashes Busy Season Hours 🤺 👀

🕗 60, 70, 80 hour weeks are no longer seen as a badge of honor. It's not about how many hours you work, it's what you do in those hours.


👉 Here's how audit vice chair at KPMG put it:

“We needed to take some of the top off the mountain in January, February and March,” said Scott Flynn.

“Younger people think about work-life balance differently than we did when I was starting out, and so we’ve tried to meet our professionals where we think they need to be met.

📜 The rest of the Big 4 should take note.

There's no point in dancing around the issue either. Tweaks won't cut it…we need wholesale change.

⚔ Slash the hours…and watch people line up out the door.


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